Becoming a Student Pilot is the first step toward achieving your aviation dreams. Here is what you need to know to get started.

NOTE: Unless otherwise referenced, these details refer to Certification of Airmen, Category: Airplane, Class: Single-Engine Land.

Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 61, Subpart C – Student Pilots:

§61.83 Eligibility Requirements for Student Pilots
Age: at least 16
Language: able to read, speak, write, and understand the English language

§61.85 Apply for a Student Pilot Certificate

49 CFR §1552.3(h): TSA Citizenship Endorsement by CFI
See the following AOPA link for an easy to understand guide of requirements:
Non-US Citizens: please speak with an instructor about the process of approval through:

§61.89(d) FAA Medical Certificate or qualification under Basic Med requirements outlined in §61.23(c)(3)
This is required prior to any solo (Pilot In Command) flying. However, it is highly advised to obtain your flight physical prior to initiating any flight training.