Flight Instructor for Airplane Category: https://www.faa.gov/training_testing/testing/acs

Areas of Operation

Area of Operation I. Fundamentals of Instructing

Task A. Effects of Human Behavior and Communication on the Learning Process

Task B. Learning Process

Task C. Course Development, Lesson Plans, and Classroom Training Techniques

Task D. Student Evaluation, Assessment, and Testing

Task E. Elements of Effective Teaching in a Professional Environment

Task F. Elements of Effective Teaching that Include Risk Management and Accident Prevention

Area of Operation II. Technical Subject Areas

Task A. Human Factors

Task B. Visual Scanning and Collision Avoidance

Task C. Runway Incursion Avoidance

Task D. Principles of Flight

Task E. Aircraft Flight Controls and Operation of Systems

Task F. Performance and Limitations

Task G. National Airspace System

Task H. Navigation Systems and Radar Services

Task I. Navigation and Cross-Country Flight Planning

Task J. 14 CFR and Publications

Task K. Endorsements and Logbook Entries

Task L. Water and Seaplane Characteristics, Seaplane Bases, Maritime Rules, and Aids to Marine

Navigation (ASES, AMES)

Task M. Night Operations

Task N. High Altitude Operations – Supplemental Oxygen

Task O. High Altitude Operations – Pressurization

Task P. One Engine Inoperative (OEI) Performance (AMEL, AMES)

Area of Operation III. Preflight Preparation

Task A. Pilot Qualifications

Task B. Airworthiness Requirements.

Task C. Weather Information

Area of Operation IV. Preflight Lesson on a Maneuver to be Performed in Flight

Task A. Maneuver Lesson

Area of Operation V. Preflight Procedures

Task A. Preflight Assessment

Task B. Flight Deck Management

Task C. Engine Starting

Task D. Taxiing, Airport Signs, and Lighting (ASEL, AMEL)

Task E. Taxiing and Sailing (ASES, AMES)

Task F. Before Takeoff Check

Area of Operation VI. Airport and Seaplane Base Operations

Task A. Communications, Light Signals, and Runway Lighting Systems

Task B. Traffic Patterns

Area of Operation VII. Takeoffs, Landings, and Go-Arounds

Task A. Normal Takeoff and Climb

Task B. Normal Approach and Landing

Task C. Soft-Field Takeoff and Climb (ASEL)

Task D. Soft-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL)

Task E. Short-Field Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb (ASEL, AMEL)Short-Field Approach and Landing (ASEL, AMEL)

Task G. Confined Area Takeoff and Maximum Performance Climb (ASES, AMES)

Task H. Confined Area Approach and Landing (ASES, AMES)

Task I. Glassy Water Takeoff and Climb (ASES, AMES)

Task J. Glassy Water Approach and Landing (ASES, AMES)

Task K. Rough Water Takeoff and Climb (ASES, AMES)

Task L. Rough Water Approach and Landing (ASES, AMES)

Task M. Slip to a Landing (ASEL, ASES)

Task N. Go-Around/Rejected Landing

Task O. Power-Off 180° Accuracy Approach and Landing (ASEL, ASES)

Area of Operation VIII. Fundamentals of Flight

Task A. Straight-and-Level Flight

Task B. Level Turns

Task C. Straight Climbs and Climbing Turns

Task D. Straight Descents and Descending Turns

Area of Operation IX. Performance and Ground Reference Maneuvers

Task A. Steep Turns

Task B. Steep Spiral (ASEL, ASES)

Task C. Chandelles (ASEL, ASES)

Task D. Lazy Eights (ASEL, ASES)

Task E. Ground Reference Maneuvers

Task F. Eights on Pylons (ASEL, ASES)

Area of Operation X. Slow flight, Stalls, and Spins

Task A. Maneuvering During Slow Flight

Task B. Demonstration of Flight Characteristics at Various Configurations and Airspeeds (ASEL and


Task C. Power-Off Stalls

Task D. Power-On Stalls

Task E. Accelerated Stalls

Task F. Cross-Controlled Stall Demonstration (ASEL, ASES)

Task G. Elevator Trim Stall Demonstration (ASEL, ASES)

Task H. Secondary Stall Demonstration (ASEL, ASES)

Task I. Spin Awareness and Spins

Area of Operation XI. Basic Instrument Maneuvers

Task A. Straight-and-Level Flight

Task B. Constant Airspeed Climbs

Task C. Constant Airspeed Descents

Task D. Turns to Headings

Task E. Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes

Area of Operation XII. Emergency Operations

Task A. Emergency Descent

Task B. Emergency Approach and Landing (Simulated) (ASEL, ASES)

Task C. Systems and Equipment Malfunctions

Task D. Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear

Task E. Engine Failure During Takeoff Before V MC (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES)

Task F. Engine Failure After Liftoff (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES)

Task G. Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine (Simulated)(AMEL, AMES)

Area of Operation XIII. Multiengine Operations

Task A. Maneuvering with One Engine Inoperative (AMEL, AMES)

Task B. V MC Demonstration (AMEL, AMES)

Task C. Demonstration of Effects of Various Airspeeds and Configurations during Engine Inoperative

Performance (AMEL and AMES)

Area of Operation XIV. Postflight Procedures

Task A. After Landing, Parking, and Securing (ASEL, AMEL)

Task B. Seaplane Post-Landing Procedures (ASES, AMES)